Tips for healthy happy feet
Leonardo de Vinci described the human foot as the most complex engineering device ever made. These mechanical wonders are mostly self-repairing and they work hard to generally serve us well, but like any engineering device they can malfunction. It is not surprising that they do, as they are often taken for granted, neglected in our personal health care and are subjected to stresses and strains as we go about our daily activities.
It is important to all of us that our feet feel comfortable and that we remain mobile. It is often said if our feet hurt, we hurt all over. I am sure you may have experienced that feeling at some time or other.
So here are some tips to help you look after your feet and keep them healthy and happy...
- Regularly examine your feet, if you can’t do ityourself ask a relative or your Foot Health Practitioner or Podiatrist.
- Wash your feet daily. Thoroughly dry your feet after a shower or bath, especially between the toes. Don’t use creams or talc between the toes as this can make the area moist which can then lead to soft corns between the toes or fungal infections, for example athlete’s foot.
- Don’t trim your nails too short or leave nail spikes – this is the main cause of ingrowing toe nails. If you do cut your own toe nails make sure sharp edges are smoothed with an emery board.
- Use a good foot cream to keep the skin soft and smooth – ordinary moisturiser is not sufficient as the skin on our body is a different thickness to that on our feet. Foot creams that contain Urea are very good for dry skin.
- Wear shoes that are comfortable and fit well and have sufficient toe box room within them so there are no points of irritation. The main cause of corns and callus is because the foot is being subjected to friction and shearing within our footwear.
- Try not to wear the same pair of shoes every day, instead rotate your shoes to allow them to dry out after you have worn them. It can take 24 hours for shoes to completely dry out. Fungus spores can thrive in the damp, dark and warm crevices inside the shoe and the presence of fungus can lead to athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.
- Wear cotton rich socks. If you suffer from athlete’s foot regularly, socks made with silver are beneficial. Silver is proven to kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of odour causing bacteria and fungi in the socks. Silver socks are also good for diabetics to wear, not only because of the anti-bacterial protection but the silver helps to regulate foot temperature and also prevents blistering. Happy Feet Footcare sells a range of high quality medical socks for those suffering from diabetes, arthritis and sensitive feet. For more information on socks please see the Products Page and Useful Links.
- If you are a diabetic make sure you have a check up with a Chiropodist or Foot Health Practitioner at least once a month to two months at the very most.
- Exercise is another important step towards healthy feet and helps to maintain circulation in the legs and feet.
- Finally don’t sit on a problem or be embarrassed by your feet. I have seen all manner of foot conditions and there is no need to feel embarrassed and not ask for help.
- So please don’t hobble on a problem, let me make your feet happy!

